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When it comes it role models for napping, look no further than our feline friends. At any random moment in the day, we can bear witness to their mastery of the craft, epitomized by the “cat nap.” Even more, it appears as though cats put sleep on a pedestal where it belongs (partially because they can actually sleep on pedestals). With hope for the nap-deficient human race, we’ve captured 12 moments of cat-napping greatness that we should all endeavor to replicate. #1. Quilts are blankets of love that’ll always have a place in our nap arsenal. Thanks, Grandma. #2. Shag carpet, supine position, neutral palate—it’s nap selfie perfection. #3. For all the times you slept on doing your laundry, keep sleeping on it. #4. Strrrrreeeeeeetch! #5. When you love a pair of jeans so much that you could live in them. #6. You almost made it through the entire first season of “Big Little Lies” in one sitting!  #7. PSA: If these unlikely cuddle buddies can find common gr
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When it comes it role models for napping, look no further than our feline friends. At any random moment in the day, we can bear witness to their mastery of the craft, epitomized by the “cat nap.” Even more, it appears as though cats put sleep on a pedestal where it belongs (partially because they can actually sleep on pedestals). With hope for the nap-deficient human race, we’ve captured 12 moments of cat-napping greatness that we should all endeavor to replicate. #1. Quilts are blankets of love that’ll always have a place in our nap arsenal. Thanks, Grandma. #2. Shag carpet, supine position, neutral palate—it’s nap selfie perfection. #3. For all the times you slept on doing your laundry, keep sleeping on it. #4. Strrrrreeeeeeetch! #5. When you love a pair of jeans so much that you could live in them. #6. You almost made it through the entire first season of “Big Little Lies” in one sitting!  #7. PSA: If these unlikely cuddle buddies can find

Sleeping Habits Of People Across UK

Many people in the UK view their capability or inability to sleep as more of a roulette situation, relying on sheer luck for their sleep. It is as if they have to wait for the Sandman to come down and spread some ‘sleep dust’ for them to have a good night’s sleep. But, a good night’s sleep is important for healthy living. We sleep on average about one-third of our lives. This equates to approximately 27 years of our existence here on earth. That is a really crazy level of time we spend in an unconscious trance, unable to see or feel the world, our minds in busy, dreamy meanderings. As much as sleeping seems like a complete waste of time, it is nevertheless important that we establish safe and healthy sleeping habits to help rejuvenate our body and minds. A recent study revealed the sleeping habits of people across the UK, and it shows how most people are sleep deprived. The study also found out what kept people up late in the evenings, and why they are having a hard time getting t

Feng Shui - How To Feng Shui Your Bedroom

Feng Shui – It may have originated in China but who hasn’t heard of Feng Shui? Pronounced as “fung shway”, this ancient Chinese method of divination uses energy or qi (sometimes spelt “chi”) to promote harmony, balance, and good fortune in a given environment. Traditional Feng Shui can be very complex, and that’s why Feng Shui practitioners spend years studying this part-art, part-pseudoscience, part-philosophy. Practitioners can also command hefty consultation fees when hired for construction or a renovation project. How To Feng Shui Your Bedroom Feng shui can be applied in many different areas and many different ways, but perhaps its most popular application is in design, as in room design, floor plan, building orientation, and architecture. In fact, to this day, in many Asian cultures, it would be unheard of to begin construction on a home or a business establishment or to embark on any remodelling project, no matter how minor, without first consulting Feng Shui expert


For the next two minutes (or however long it takes you to read this story), we have one goal: Seek and slay the bad habits that sabotage your sleep. If you’re ready to stop doing the wrong things and start resting easier, think about addressing these eight common sleep mishaps. 1. Binge-Watching TV At Night We’re not saying you shouldn’t watch TV. But spending hours devouring episode after episode can have a negative impact on your sleep. A recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine showed that frequent binge-watchers have poorer sleep quality and more symptoms of insomnia. It’s not clear yet whether that’s due to the excitement caused by the shows (thanks Narcos!), or the bingeing itself. Instead of watching the action, make your own: Research shows having sex before sleep can help you fall asleep, likely because of the relaxing, feel-good hormones that orgasms produce. 2. Hitting Up The Happy Hour Tossing back a few too many drinks often results in toss